Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lima Central, Peru

Got into Lima central yesterday after spending a lot of time in Mira Flores checking out the sites in and around the place. Went on an extreme bike ride around the outskirts of Mira Flores where you can ride on the footpaths and cause chaos everywhere you go. Me and Callum managed to get ourselves very lost on a motor way which is a lot busier than the usual NZ motorway. Think our lives were on the line for half the ride.
Went and visited an old ruin in Mira Flores as well called Huaca Pucllana. It was built by the incas between something like 300-700AD. The ruins are that of an old pyramid which had no purpose from what we could gather as it was filled in with rock. Apparently they just used to use it as a sacrificial ground for woman and children as in the inca religion they are seen as the most important. Bizzare!

Me and Callum got a bit of a pose on at the ruins. Don't know what my dirty smirk is about.

Were in Central Lima now which is no where near as nice as Mira Flores and feels a lot less safe. Some very nice buildings around though and parks in the middle of town with big government buildings and churches surrounding them. These areas they call Plazas and there is one in every town centre of Peru.

Went out for a walk around town last night and saw the buildings all lit up. Looked amazing. This is the big catholic church in the main plaza. The fountain is in the middle of the plaza and is made of copper. A lot of big copper doors and copper statues around here. Looking forward to moving on now and getting into the jungle. Hopefully get some awesome pictures to put up then.


  1. Awesome picture Cam. Nana will be pleased that you went to church!!

  2. Hi Cam great photos, well done for attempting to travel on the footpath, heart in the mouth stuff and you both survived the experience. Sounds like you are having a blast, Safe travels to you both looking forward to the next blog. Lynnie
