Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Amazon Jungle, Puerto Maldonado, Peru

Went to the Amazon Jungle from Puerto Maldonado in Peru for 3 days. Stayed at the Eco. Amazonian Lodge in some amazing bungalows at a place with a swimming pool, bar and restraunt. Saw some amazing sights through the jungle including getting close enough to touch 4 different types of monkeys (Heard many more in the jungle but couldn´t track them down). Saw tarantula, a snake, cayman ( little aligators), turtles, condors plus a huge amount more. The place was buzzing with wildlife it was incredible. Got to go phiranna fishing out on a motorised canoe (unfortunately didn´t catch anything) and swum/gatored in the amazon with the gators and phiranna.
Looking down on the vastness of the Amazon Jungle!

A red tail boa that was outside our bungalow when we got up in the morning. Didn't move much as it looked like it was digesting a mouse or something.

Phirrana fishing with Mario! Check out the motor on the canoe!

This was one of the spider monkeys we saw. It came down to eat then took one of the groups water bottles undid the lid and sculled the whole bottle of water back. It was a champion sculler wouldn´t want to take it on in a race.


  1. Very clever, could be part of the family!!

  2. Sure would be hard to take this fellow on and win. Still the family resemblance is remarkable. Long lost relative perhaps? Lynnie
