Thursday, June 3, 2010

Toronto, ON, Canada

It's been a while since I've updated the blog so I thought it was probably about time to get some pictures of Canada up. We arrived in Canada on the 2nd of June flying into Montreal. We only spent the day in Montreal due to the difficulty of dealing with speaking french and also the fact of wanting to get out and start earning money. Therefore we caught the bus and moved on to Toronto where we were lucky enough to be able to stay with some kiwi lads living in the very centre of Toronto. We spent about 5 days in Toronto just sorting out work related stuff so we could start working as soon as we found a job. Had a great time in Toronto it is a very nice city and there seemed to be plenty to do during the summer months. The city was also very cool in how it had been designed with the city being broken up into different districts, such as the banking district where each big bank had a corner of the street all facing each other and the entertainment district where all the bars are.

Here is the CN Tower. It is located right in the centre of Toronto and is by far the biggest building in Toronto even though there are sky scrapers everywhere. You can go up it and do dinner etc... but it was far to expensive at the time for our budget.

Just a couple of the high-risers from a park in the centre of town.

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