Monday, August 22, 2011

Iceland to Rome, Italy

So due to technical difficulties (access and ability of internet plus my own ability) it has been a long while since posting on here. I thought it was about time but unfortunately it will be a bit briefer than South America. So here's a few pictures of the trip so far up to Rome. Hopefully the next post wont be to long after this.

The catholic cathedral in Reykjavik, Iceland. A very expensive place to go to for someone on a budget so didn't get to see a lot. Reykjavik was a really cool city though and over the three days there I never saw darkness due to how far north it is. It makes knowing when to sleep pretty hard.

In the Catacombs in Paris, France. Pretty freaky place filled with bones of people from the plague.

Posing in front of the Louvre, Paris. Good picture for our Album cover to convince people we are a travelling band.

I think everyone will know what this is. Took a lift right to the top of it. Paris (of course)

Theo and Me enjoying the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Leonardo DaVinci's house in Amboise, France. Walked around inside and through his garden but he didn't seem to be home. Nice place though and this was where he lived his final years.

Az and Me splashing in a river of wine at the Haro Wine Battle, Haro, Spain. The clothing was white at the beginning and there wasn't a river of wine flowing down the mountain. An insane festival.

Bull 'Fighting', Haro, Spain. This wasn't bull fighting but more like taunting, dodging and jumping bulls. The guys that jumped these bulls were awesome.

Castle, Lisbon, Portugal. This castle looked over the whole of Portugal's capital city, Lisbon. It was our first castle of the trip.

Running of the Bulls, Pamplona, Spain. The look of satisfaction after surviving the horrific ordeal of running away from a bunch of stampeding bulls. The most fear and adrenaline my body has ever experienced.
Waiting on the side of the road for the Tour de France, in France of course.

The leading pack of the Tour de France. It was all over in seconds.

Benno and Me in front of Pont du Gard, France. This was an old Aguaduct built by the Romans many years ago to transfer water between towns. This particular Aguaduct is built above a river so the constant downward flow may continue from the source. Pretty impressive architecture.

The harbor in Monte Carlo, Monaco. I saw every single one of my dream boats here.
Another Icon everyone has seen pictures of before. The Leaning tower, Pisa, Italy. Pretty amazing this thing is still standing. The lean is crazy.

The Pantheon, Rome, Italy. We were just standing about and then we were struck by a massive ray of light through the Pantheon's roof. We felt as though we were the chosen ones.

Benno and Me flicking a coin into the water at the bottom of the Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy. Benno's timing was off. I nailed it. Amazing fountain. Apparently flicking a coin over your right shoulder will ensure your return to Rome.

The Famous Colosseum, Rome, Italy. Mind blowing to finally see this spectacle. It was difficult to comprehend just how old this structure was and how they managed to build such a magnificent building.

End of Part One. In Austria at the moment so I really need to get Part Two up as I've already seen a lot more since Rome.